Wednesday, October 22, 2008

happy HUMP day!

Well......I'm bored again at work! Waiting for the day to be over. I am tired of stressing about bills, the economy, my fat rolls, so on and so forth. At least I know that Dub is having a good time today. They went on a field trip to Partridge Plantation. They have lots of property, hay rides, animals and tons of stuff to do for kids. We had his 2nd birthday out there, so I know he will love it. Hopefully I will get the Queen back today. I really miss my truck!

Back to the HUMPS!

Animals with a hump, humping! Camel

Humpback Whale

Very important humps! Get checked!!!!

Humpty Dance

Singing about Humps

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Remember, good things are going to happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okee dokee

me likey the hump day boy!!