Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday at the store

Due to the drop in the economy, I work at the store for a little while on Fridays. I really enjoy being down there and I love talking to all the locals. You can bet that there are some characters that come in. One of my favorites is mow hawk Frank. He barks like a dog when he gets excited. You just have to be there. Crazy Cindy never wears shoes, always asks Nanny for money and tries to hug her. Besides the people that come in, we have a great food selection. See the pictures below.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Birmingham people, we will be there Wednesday!!

Love to all!!

I love these! Beware of the super hard ones!

I have not tried them, but I have fed them to the cats.

When I was preggers I would eat these for breakfast!! Bring on the Tabasco and chocolate milk!

You would not believe how many of these we sell. GROSS!!!!

Who doesn't like Conecuh sausage?? LOVE IT!!!!


Juarez Family said...

I just got heart burn from reading that!

Southern Foodette said...

we sell rolaids also!