Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baybears Game

Just a couple of months ago, the company that Chadicus works for had tickets to a Baybears game. If you don't know, the Baybears are a semi-pro baseball team here in Mobile. Chadicus had lots of tickets, so most of our friends went to the game. It was nice to have everyone together with the kids for a change. After lots of beer, hot dogs, cotton candy and of course peanuts, we hurled tennis balls at Teddy, the Baybear, and enjoyed a very beautiful display of fireworks. Not to forget the Terminex Roach and the Taco Bell taco running around the field. There is also a "Mardi Gras" parade that consisted of 1 truck throwing crap no one really wants anyway, courtesy of Toomey's (local Mardi Gras crap seller.)

A wonderful time was had by all. I can't wait to do it again. Next time we will buy more tennis balls and actually hit Teddy.....hopefully.


K. said...

a roach running around the field. NOT COOL.

Juarez Family said...

Uhh yeah! A roach that size would give me nighmares for weeks!

John-Bryan Hopkins said...

cute cute cute!