Monday, November 24, 2008


This past weekend we went camping at our 28 acres with JW and some friends. Too Tall, JW and I got down there around 5 :30pm with all of our supplies, generator, blankets and of course, our soft air pellet guns. You know that it just had to cold when we went too. We froze our butts off!! After JW went to bed in the camper with the heaters going, Too Tall and I got the fire going outside in the firebox, lit the tiki torches and enjoyed a beer or two while waiting on Ryan, Rob and Sammie Jo. They finally got to the camp and we were ready to start the war!!

Before I get started please note that we were all wearing the appropriate safety attire for the occasion. The pellet guns fire plastic bb's that are non-lethal. We are not skilled professionals, we are just dumb enough to run around shooting each other.

Since it was 30 something degrees outside we had layers and layers of clothes on, our pockets loaded with ammo and guns. There are lots of good places to hide behind at the camp so I went to the tree house, where I ripped my pants, to get some good shots in at Too Tall. We were running around in front of the camper, behind the camper, across the ditch, behind the tents, trees, stumps. There were lots of yelps and laughing. Shots to the back, legs, arms, hands and one to Sammie Jo's eye, but that was the next day.

Saturday we hiked all over the camp. The boys were shooting the banana spiders out of the trees. Sammie, Rob and Ryan climbed the trees. JW picked up fiddler crabs. Then the daytime war started. I wasn't playing because I tripped over a tent lead and hurt my knee. It was fun to watch. Saturday night there was more war. Sunday was about the same as Saturday except we went home around 5. WE had a great weekend. Now we have tiny red dots all over us. Good times.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday at the store

Due to the drop in the economy, I work at the store for a little while on Fridays. I really enjoy being down there and I love talking to all the locals. You can bet that there are some characters that come in. One of my favorites is mow hawk Frank. He barks like a dog when he gets excited. You just have to be there. Crazy Cindy never wears shoes, always asks Nanny for money and tries to hug her. Besides the people that come in, we have a great food selection. See the pictures below.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Birmingham people, we will be there Wednesday!!

Love to all!!

I love these! Beware of the super hard ones!

I have not tried them, but I have fed them to the cats.

When I was preggers I would eat these for breakfast!! Bring on the Tabasco and chocolate milk!

You would not believe how many of these we sell. GROSS!!!!

Who doesn't like Conecuh sausage?? LOVE IT!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am sure that some of you, if not all of you, have a certain way that you pronounce certain words. I know I do and given that I live in the south, Lord knows we talk different. I was trying to think up some words that I had heard. My Nanny has a few on this list. Please add to it. I think it will be funny. Happy Wednesday! Only 2 days to go!!

ORANGE - I pronounce it "Oreeenge"

OXYGEN - Nanny says "Oshagen"

SALSA - Nanny says "Salseea"

NAPE of the neck - Too Tall says "Nap of neck"

WASH(ing)(er) - I have heard "Warsh(ing)(er)"

DADDY - I say "Deddy"

EGG - Rhonda's mother says "Aig"

LIBRARY - I have heard "Libarry"

ALBUM - Rhonda's mother says "Alblum"

WRIST - Rhonda's sister in-law says "Wristes"

CLIMB - Michael J's friend says "Clumb"

PICTURE - Rhonda's other sister in-law says "Picher"

These are just a few. Add as you will. I would appreciate it.

Love to all!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another day at the camp

I just got an email from Johnny12Frank7 telling me that he didn't want to hear about a game that happened a few months ago, he wants to read about yesterday. Nothing interesting happened yesterday except that I listed a house!! So here are some pictures taken the last time we were at the camp.

PS: For those who are interested....some friends, Too Tall and I are camping out at the camp this weekend. The invitation is open. It is going to be a fun filled time!

I know you all wanted a picture of my butt! Courtesy of JW

HUGE raccoon tracks

I will try to do a better blog this week. Just bare with me......Love to all!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baybears Game

Just a couple of months ago, the company that Chadicus works for had tickets to a Baybears game. If you don't know, the Baybears are a semi-pro baseball team here in Mobile. Chadicus had lots of tickets, so most of our friends went to the game. It was nice to have everyone together with the kids for a change. After lots of beer, hot dogs, cotton candy and of course peanuts, we hurled tennis balls at Teddy, the Baybear, and enjoyed a very beautiful display of fireworks. Not to forget the Terminex Roach and the Taco Bell taco running around the field. There is also a "Mardi Gras" parade that consisted of 1 truck throwing crap no one really wants anyway, courtesy of Toomey's (local Mardi Gras crap seller.)

A wonderful time was had by all. I can't wait to do it again. Next time we will buy more tennis balls and actually hit Teddy.....hopefully.

The Big Easy

You may recall from yesterday I mentioned our trip to the Big Easy for our 5 year anniversary. We try to go somewhere every year to celebrate. This year instead of Gatlinburg, we headed on over to New Orleans. Our hotel was lovely and close to all of the bars, which is the most important thing. We made friends with JP at the Tropical Isle and Joe at the 24/7 restaurant, Deja Vu. Those of you that know me, know that I never meet a stranger. Too Tall gets annoyed sometimes but as long as there are free drinks involved, he doesn't mind too much. Lord knows that I LOVE to sing karaoke!!!!!!!!!!! So I brought down the house with my version of Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats." After long nights of drinking, dancing and eating, we would rise early and go to Cafe Du Monde for extremely strong coffee and beignets. I loved walking around the Quarter early in the morning. It was so peaceful, but the stench was awful! are some pictures.

Can we get a round of Hand Grenades over here?!!!

Morning coffee by the river

Too Tall, JP and I at Tropical Isle (around 9:00am)
Not a great picture, but I have no shame.

Well on his way......

Jackson Square at 6:30am

View from our hotel room

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Auburn Weekend

Too Tall and I celebrated our 5 years being married back in August with a wonderful trip to the Big Easy and I surprised him with Auburn Homecoming game tickets. The game was this past weekend and we had a ball! I am so glad that we finally won after 4 previous losses. I was so impressed by how clean the campus was and how nice everyone was. We ate at the Mellow Mushroom before the game and had a few beers. We tootled around Toomer's Corner before the game and walked around the whole stadium just taking it all in. Our seats were 3 rows from the field on the Auburn side on the 40 yard line. Nova, the eagle, was amazing when he flew down from the nose bleed section and landed on the field. The band was awesome as were the pom squad and cheerleaders. Aubie was my favorite.

Enjoy the pictures whether you are a fan or not. It is certainly worth the trip. Don't miss the rolling of Toomer's Corner after the games and who knows you may be invited to a frat party with some women from UTM named Susan.....

PS: Thanks Laura for recommending Bodegga. That is where we met our new friends.

After the game

Toomer's Corner Final Score


The Coach and The Governor

Too Tall

Just to let you know, we left at 6:00am because Too Tall was so excited to get there! Then we had to wait until 11:00am to get a beer. I know, we should have been prepared with a cooler. We know for next time. I want to take the camper next time and really tailgate. Who wants to go with?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cool Dude

It is Thursday! Just one more day!! I work at the store on Friday mornings but that's not bad. Saturday we are going to Auburn's homecoming!!! I'm so excited!!! I know that we have had a horrible season, but I don't care. Our seats are 5th row 20 yard line. I got the tickets for Too Tall for our anniversary.

Anyway.......................Here are some pictures of JW from this morning. He is so funny. I can't wait to go to B'ham. I'm sure you all will be floored by how big he has gotten. Love to all!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. I know we did. Friday night we took JW trick or treating on our street and then dropped him off at Mawmaw's. Too Tall and I dressed up and went to the Blues Tavern for a little while. We called it an early night, went home and played wii. Saturday we got up, paid bills and picked up JW. We had some time to kill before meeting Cooter for lunch so we took JW to the park. Saturday night I had to work at the store until 9:00pm. When I got home we had our neighbors over and played wii. I wanted to go to Johnny12Frank7's birthday party but I got home at 10:00 and we didn't have a sitter. Sunday we went to the Pecan Festival and had lunch at Azteca's. Last night we caught the new episode of True Blood on HBO. If you haven't watched it, do it! I love it! Bad Southern accents and all!

Only 3 1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving! Birmingham beware of a Boltz invasion!

Lots of pictures on the slide show! Yes JW really painted the "masterpiece."

(I'm using his name now because Big Brother doesn't like "Dub.")